
Archive for January, 2009




I took this photo (well… I asked my mummy to take it!) in London… my shop! Being in London has left some marks in our family… my daddy says he misses the hospital food, as the time there was a period of fear but ultimately of happiness! eheheheh… he’s having lasanha and chips every day!…

Yesterday my daddy was worried with my breathing, (he thought I was breathing too fast) and my mummy got worried when she saw my scar in the evening, as it looked a bit infected. So today we went to see the doctors in the hospital. They were happy with my breathing but they gave me some antibiotics to help me fight the infection in the wound. I am alright and I am not in pain or anything, I’m still smiley and playful and the antibiotic should clear the infection soon.



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Jazz it up!

Jazzy it up

Daddy made this video for me!… It’s so good to be a movie star!!!!!!! Thank you daddy!

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Day eight

dayeightwebIt’s been exactly one week since I had my surgery. I feel great!!!!!!! I’ve been playing a lot, smiling a lot, eating a lot!… and leaving lots of smelly presents for mummy and daddy to clear up!

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Day seven



… and we are home! It´s good to be back to my environment, my bed, my quiet bedroom, my toys, my playstations! The only thing I am not enjoying is the food!… daddy had a casserole ready for us but mummy didn’t let me have any!… instead, I am only allowed milk!!!!! Milk!… I have twice as much as I use to, but I am still so hungry!!!!! Mummy, when can I have the real thing?

I am recovered from surgery, my scar looks well, with no inflammation or infection. Tomorrow I am going to see Dr. Liebenberg so he can take the stitch from the site of the drain and check my heart. 

Today nan Margaret, grandfather David and auntie Diane came to see me… I love visits! I gave them lots of lovely smiles… I think soon they will become addicted to them, like mummy and daddy!

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Day five

t’s been only four days since my surgery and guess what?… I am ready to go home! The doctors said I can go today but mummy asked to stay until tomorrow as daddy is coming to see us (also I think she is still in shock from my speedy recovery!).

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Day four


On day four after my surgery, I am back!… I left my blog in my mummy’s hands and look what happened!!!!!! No updates on time, lousy photos, posts with no quality whatsoever!… but that is over, I am in charge again!

I am now in Camel ward, I recovered from surgery and I am kicking, playing with my toys, demanding cuddles and walks around to check my surroundings. My only restriction is food!… at the moment they only let me have 60ml of milk every three hours! I AM HUNGRY!!!!!! (but I am not crying… I am planning to find mummy’s credit card and order a take away… but don’t tell the nurses!).

My scar looks well and the doctors are pleased with my recovery…

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Day three


This is how Jazzy looked today in the morning. She was still on morphine through the pump but thas was stopped just after I arrived. Soon after they took the central line off (the wires in her neck), and after a nappy change and some paracetamol, we could finally have a cuddle!
They were planning to transfer her to the normal ward in the morning but she developed a temperature and after a chest X-ray, they notice that she had a bit of fluid around her lungs. Because she is already on water tablets, they decided to drain the fluid by inserting a needle into the chest. Another X-ray confirmed that the procedure had been successful and the temperature also went down. Jazzy had all the milk they allowed her, played with me and daddy and the blue donkey and she was in a very good mood.

Finally, by 5 o’clock we left the Intensive Care Unit and were transferred to Camel ward.

Thank you everybody for all your messages of support!!!!!! 

(Very soon I will write a whole section on the surgery and our stay in the hospital… for now, because I still don’t have my internet sorted, I will be leaving you news on her progress)


By the end of the day she was a free baby! No wires attached except the cannula in the left hand that will stay in until she is discharged.

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Good News!!!!!!!!!!

The surgery went really well, the surgeon said it all went as planned. Jazzy is doing fine, she is recovering amazingly well!

Yesterday, just after the surgery… on the ventilator to assist breathing, with two chest drains to drain any fluid left around the heart and in the chest cavity, an NG tube going through her nose to be fed, a central line in the neck to receive drugs, peripheral line in the hand and a catheter to collect urine. Jazzy looked really well… (usually babies are all puffy…)

Today… off the ventilator and off the drains… the sedation was reduced and Jazzy woke up briefly to have a cuddle… she even played a little bit with her blue donkey!!!!!

The doctors are really pleased with her recovery and if she continues to do well, tomorrow she will be transferred to the normal ward!!!!!

(Sorry everybody for not giving news earlier than this… we are not allowed to use our mobiles in the Intensive Care Unit and we did not want to leave Jazzy as it has been a day full of events… and my mobile internet is not working yet!… As we are staying in an hotel nearby, I am using their internet)

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She’s in recovery, the surgery went well.
Horay!!!!!! Bless the team and Jazzy’s genes!!!!!

Jazzy has been in theatres sinse 8am. No news yet.
My mobile bradband is not working, I am posting from the iPhone. I will try to fix it later and hopefully I will be able to post normally.

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I wanted this moment, this Operation for so long now,

Yet tears do I shed, with sweat on my brow.

Thought I was no good (Yes Daddy was wrong!…)

First months seemed like crying, nappy changes all day long,


It’s on hold, life just ain’t funny no more,

Can you imagine how we fall deeper, yet not reaching the floor?

Hope, & ambitions, of Jazz’s success,

Only days away now (don’t go to bed feeling depressed…)


And yet, close and near now, someone please extend TIME!?

As it all seems like sadness with hope in your mind.

To allow You great Surgeons Operate on our new reason for living,

With LOVE I TRUST you, your career must be so fulfilling


Thank You, for the life, and the years of learning,

and in what you found, with magnificent composure.

(With happiness on Thursday, Jazz will tell  Mummy , WOW!)

Until then  hear us shout, ” I want to disappear with Her and keep the
knife out”?!?


My screams I will save for the surgeons’ success,

As They will be the champions, and give our world back.

Who needs anything else?! Except, “MY GOD PLEASE MAKE ALL GOOD, AND

Recession is looming so God, cut down any fees?!

It’s funny somehow, my shout is almost on bended knees!

And tobacco stupidly smoked (yes, cleache but still wheeze!)


I finally realise the incredible gift of love and Wife, and Daughter,

And years Mum and Dad showed  me love, then &now, and shines through
to the future,

It’s that love, I thank you, and with that love Jasmine then became
our loving Daughter.

dedicated to Jasmine & everyone including Doctors and Surgeons, and
especially people who trust their love on others) 19/01/2009 Matthew

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Be afraid…


…be very afraid. I am now armed with two sharp teeth and I am not afraid of using them!… as my mummy found out the hard way. She thought I was only starting teething (as I don’t cry much more and don’t droll) and left one of her fingers unattended… I bit it!!!!! Eheheheheh! 

We are going to London on Wednesday, we will be leaving in the morning in order to be in the Evelina Hospital by lunch time. They said they have a battery of tests to do on me! Arrgggggg!… I hope my mummy doesn’t forget to take my music to make it all easier!… 

My mummy and daddy are getting really anxious about the coming days… my daddy is even attempting to write some poems for me (maybe I will share them with you if you promise not to cry!…). Daddy, I understand your anxiety, but lets stick to the singing, shall we?

Thank you all for your love and support. 

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Moving on



I started the maneuvers to conquer the world. Apart from supporting my weight, I am now wiggling about and I also learned how to flip over. My mummy says I am like a butterfly, I never stay in one place and I like to be on the move! She is wondering how the hospital people will keep me still!… eheheheh!

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…now that I am five months old, I talk a lot with mummy and daddy (although sometimes I have the distinct feeling that they don´t quite understand what I mean… I have to educate them!…). I can stand on my feet and support my weight while mummy or daddy hold me, and my teeth are starting to give me some trouble… I guess in a month I will be able to bite anyone who doesn´t agree with me!…


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Little angel


Today I stayed with daddy again while mummy went o college. She started a new project and this time she will definitly need a lot of need from me… even because the subject is my favorite one: ME!!!!!! She is doing a all range of art works about me, my heart condition and our stay in hospital. That means that besides the computer that always goes with her everywhere, she will be taking the drawing tablet, three (!!!!!!) cameras, drawing, writing and some painting materials, some books ad some sketch books! We will see if the results are worth all the trouble (eheheheh) !!!!… She is planning as well to learn Illustrator and Dreamwever or Flash CS4…
Any way, I will help her and it is a good way for her to maintain her sanity in the hospital and cope with all the situation!…
Mandy, the Health Visitor came and guess what… I am now 4.8 Kg (10.5lbs).
Hoje fiquei outra vez em casa com o meu daddy enquanto a minha mummy foi para o colégio. Ela começou um projecto novo e desta vez vai mesmo precisar a minha ajuda… mesmo porque o tema é o meu favorito: Eu!!!!!! Ela está a fazer uma série de trabalhos sobre mim, a minha doença e a nossa estada no hospital. Tal significa que além do computador, que vai com ela para todo o lado, vai levar também a tablet de desenho, três (!!!!!) máquinas fotográficas, materiais de desenho, escrita e algum de pintura, alguns livros e alguns cadernos de desenho. Vamos lá a ver se o resultado justifica esta trabalheira toda (heheheehhe!). Além disso, esta a planear também aprender Illustrator e Dreamweaver or Flash CS4.
De qualquer maneira, eu vou ajudá-la e sempre é uma boa maneira de manter a sanidade no hospital e aguentar a situação…
Mandy, a minha Health Visitor veio ver-me e pesar-me… tenho agora 4.8 Kg.

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Me and daddy

While mummy goes to college, me and daddy stay at home and have lots of fun!… Daddy makes funny voices… I try to tell him that he is doing silly baby talk and I am more used to the vocabulary used in the History channel… but he doesn’t understand my elaborate language!… oh well, I guess I have to put up with it, after all, it does make me laugh!

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