
Archive for May, 2009



And today I am nine months old!
It’s been a busy time, I have so much to learn! I just finished my intensive training on smiling techniques. I am now fully qualified to breake my parents resistance and get whatever I want by using the adequate smile, at the right time! Now I am busy with other courses that will allow me to control my environment and from there take over the world! I am starting to get more vocal in order to demand… cof,cof… to communicate more efficiently. And I am beginning my self-directed training in motor skills… in other words, I am thinking of getting more mobile by crawling around… but that looks like an activity that demands a lot of  energy and I am not very keen on wasting my resources when I can have anything I want by commanding my mummy and daddy.

I now have five teeth, four on the bottom and one on top. Therefore I am equipped to exert considerable damage to any surface, including fingers and other body parts left unattended… 

I love my food… my mummy cooks for me and sometimes I even have what she is having for lunch… like when she has grilled fish or chicken with vegies. 

I love sleeping and I always fall asleep without help from my mummy… she just leaves me in bed at 20.00 (for the night), and at 11.00 and  15.00 for for two hours naps (with some lelly) and I fall asleep by myself. Sometimes I play a little bit with my toys before sleeping and other times I play with them after I wake up, before getting bored and demanding that someone gets me out of bed. I sleep all night until seven in the morning… by then I just want to get up and I make my mummy take me down so I can play with my toys. 

I am now 8.5Kg (50th percentile) and 73 cm tall (75th percentile). Some clothes 6-9 months are already too small for me but my feet are quite petite… I am still wearing size 0-3 months shoes!!!!!!!

My mummy and daddy say I am the best thing that ever happened to them… and that this year they hardly notice the winter, as they had a little sunshine to brighten their days… that’s ME!!!!!!

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Note: you cannot understand me because I am talking portuguese!… eheheheh!

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For Daddy!…


Daddy, me and mummy made this video for you as you are away working… getting money to buy my dresses. And shoes… ah, and handbags. And hats. But please, hurry up home as we miss you lots!

Yesterday we went to the beach to have fish and chips. It was a bit windy so we could not stay for long… but it was fun! I can´t wait until I get my feet in the sea!

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Music Baby Group

Music Baby Group

Oh no! My mummy is busy again. She’s working on her final project, an illustrated book for children on Heart Surgery… So between that, the visits to the park and to the swimming pool and the walkings to town, she doesn’t have much time to update the blog. On Wednesdays we also go to the baby music!… I love it!!!!!!! This video is from last week when we first went. At first I was not too sure about all the noise but very soon I started to enjoy it. I played some instruments, I danced, I sang… and even found myself a blue-eyed boyfriend! (my daddy wasn’t too happy about that, thought!). This week my friend Daisy came with me… she’s still too small to sit up and enjoy the music but I really loved to have her around!

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