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Ticket to the Moon

Today is the anniversary of the moon landing. It happened fourty years ago and it was one of the greatest acheievements of the human race. My daddy made this video to commemorate. Note my appearance in a space suit… I think this is a hint of what he thinks I will be when I grow up! Everyday I hear the voice of Carl Sagan, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Neil Tyson or Richard Dawkins… and they all say the same: we evolved from simple creatures to be the only technologically enabled species in our planet, the space is our future, life is our gift to the universe and we are made of star dust!

My daddy started to get interested in Cosmology when I was born (before he was interested in Elvis… but he noticed I was like my mummy… didn’t like the fat guy singing lame stuff, so he changed his interests)… he says he want to know everything so he can explain it to me… so soon I will be able to tell you all about planets, stars, clusters, black holes, supernovas, asteroides, moons, dwarf stars, M-theory, string theory, the multiverse, time travel, dark matter, the eleventh dimension, the Mars project… actually, I think that what my daddy wants is that I am one of the spacewomen to travel to Mars… 

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Hoje faço onze mesinhos!…

Estou a crescer a bom passo. Meço 76cm (percentil 91) e peso 9100g (percentil 50). Continuo a comer bem (adoro a comidinha da minha mummy!!!!) e durmo a noite toda. A minha mummy deixa-me na minha caminha por volta das oito, com a minha música e os meus brinquedos. Por vezes brinco um pouco antes de adormecer sozinha mas depois só acordo por volta das sete. Às vezes deixo a minha mummy dormir uma meia horazita extra. Durante o dia durmo duas sonecas de duas horas, uma de manhã e outra à tarde. E a minha mummy faz-me passar duas horas por dia sozinha no meu parque para eu aprender a entreter-me sozinha… piece of cake! Como é sempre à mesma hora (das 7 às 9) já sei como é… e nunca choro, brinco muito com os meus brinquedos e os meus livros e quando a minha mummy regressa dou-lhe muitos sorrisos e muitos beijinhos!

Os meus pappys dizem que sou um bebé feito por encomenda… mas na minha opinião, o segredo está nos meus genes. Além disso,a  minha mummy não se aborrece comigo, nunca eleva a voz e nunca perde a calma… deixa-me explorar e espalhar o caos pela casa e só me assiste se eu peço ajuda… quando me magoo ela não vem a correr, deixa-me lidar com a situação sozinha (mas está sempre por perto se eu precisar). Por isso aprendo depressa… nunca me magoo duas vezes da mesma maneira… à segunda vez já desenvolvi mecanismos para evitar o mesmo erro. E sou tão bem comportada que ela me encoraja a gritar! Pois, é que normalmente os bebés fazem birras e gritam muito e isso ajuda-os a desenvolver as cordas vocais. Como eu não faço isso, ela brinca comigo um jogo muito divertido: ela dá gritinhos e eu respondo também com gritinhos! É extremamente divertido mas a minha mummy diz que os vizinhos devem pensar que somos malucas… bem ela é, eu tenho uma boa desculpa!

Tenho sete dentinhos!… nunca incomodo muito os meus pappys quando um aparece. Nunca me babo e quase nunca choro… apenas peço mais colinho do que o normal e às vezes um pouco de paracetamol para as dores. E já comecei a lavar os meus dentinhos antes de ir para a cama! É tão divertido… 

Digo algumas palavras como mama, dada, eda (Elton) e outras com significados secretos… eu podia dizer-vos, mas depois teria de vos eliminar!


Today I am eleven months old!… 

I am growing up fast. I am now 76cm tall (91st centile) and my weight is 9100g (50th centile).  I continue to eat well (I love mummy’s food!!!!) and I am now sleeping all night. I go to bed at 8pm (my mummy leaves me there with my music and my toys and sometimes I play a little bit before falling asleep by myself) and I only wake up at 7am. Sometimes I give my mummy an extra half an hour in bed… during the day I still have one nap in the morning and another one in the afternoon (each one of two or three hours). 

My mummy makes me spend a couple of hours each day by myself in my playpen so I learn how to entertain myself… piece of cake! As it’s allways at the same time (from 7am to 9am) I already know… I play with my toys and my books and never cry! When my mummy returns from upstairs I give her lots of smiles and cuddles!

My parents say I am a custom designed baby… but in my opinion the secret is in my perfect genes! And besides, my mummy  never gets upset with me, never raises her voice and never looses her coolness… she lets me explore and spread the caos around the house and she only helps me if I really ask. When I fall she doesn’t come running, she lets me deal with the situation by myself and only assist me if I hurt myself and cry. That is why I learn so fast… I never hurt myself twice the same way. The second time I already developed a mechanism to avoid the same mistake.

I am so well behaved that my mummy encourages me to scream! Usually babies scream a lot when they throw tantrums and that helps them develop their vocal cords. Because I don’t do that, I play a game with mummy: she screams and then I scream back! It’s hugely funny but my mummy say the neighbors must think we are crazy!… well, maybe she is, I have a good excuse!

I now have seven teeth. I never warn my parents when another one comes along because I never drool or cry too much. I just require a little bit more attention from mummy and sometimes a bit of paracetamol to relieve the pain. I already started to wash my teeth before going to bed. I love it!!!!! it’s so funny!

I say a few words like mamma, dadda and eda (Elton) and others with a secret meaning… I could tell you but then I would have to exterminate you!

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Mummy’s birthday

Today it is mummy’s birthday!…and me and daddy made this video for her during the night. Happy birthday mummy!!!!!!

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On my feet…


stairsA sério? Acham mesmo que estas coisas me vão manter aqui por muito tempo? Em apenas duas semanas passei de gatinhar a andar agarrada aos móveis…

É verdade… e já consigo andar com a ajuda da minha mummy… é hilariante!… rio-me muito e fico toda excitada quando os meus pézinhos se colocam um à frente do outro e vou avançando. Não acham que andar é a coisa mais divertida do mundo? Além disso, já consigo subir as escadas. Ontem a minha mummy quase teve um ataque cardíaco quando foi dar comigo no segundo degrau. É por isso que instalaram estas coisas… vou dar-lhes um par de semanitas até iniciar os meus planos para ultrapassar esta dificuldade!…



You cannot be serious!!!!! Do you really think these things will keep me here for long? It only took me a couple of weeks to go from crawling to walk around the furniture…

It is true… and I can walk if my mummy gives me her hands… I find it hilarious!… I giggle and get really excited when I move forward! Don’t you think walking is the funniest thing ever? Besides, I can climb stairs! Yesterday my mummy almost had a heart attack when she found me on the second step… that is why they installed these things… I will give them a couple of weeks more before I start my plans to overcome this difficulty.



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Como prometido ao tio João e à minha vovó Joaquina, eu e a minha mummy fizemos um video, para eles matarem saudades. Entretanto já marcamos a viagem para irmos à Festa em Agosto. O meu tio vai ter oportunidades de me dar muitos beijinhos e de me adormecer ao colinho dele enquanto canta para mim… (eu não deixo ninguém mais adormecer-me ao colo, nem mesmo a minha mummy!).

As promissed to my uncle João and my nana Joaquina, me and my mummy made this video, as they miss me so much. Meanwhile, we booked our flight to go back in August. My uncle will have the opportunity of cuddling me and make me fall asleep in his arms while he sings for me… (I don´t let anyone else cuddle me to sleep, not even my mummy!)

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My book!!!!!

jazz & mums exhibition june 2009


Uffffffa!!!!! I know it’s been ages since I last posted in my blog. That is my mummy’s fault. You cannot imagine how busy she’s been! And I’ve been even more busy getting on with my experiences and my training to take over the world!!!!!!! There’s lots of news!

As you may remember, my mummy’s final project was on the best subject on earth… ME! And  finally she is almost done! The exhibition opening was yesterday and it was a success! She wrote a book for children on Heart surgery and presented a film on our stay in the hospital. Everybody said it was brilliant and very moving!

We only went to the exhibition for fifteen minutes as the opening was at seven, the time I usually have my dinner and go to bed… so as you can imagine, I was not too pleased with our absence from home at that particular time of the day. My daddy made this video for me as my mummy still has to write final statements and other bits until Wednesday. 

This is the cover of my book:



Those interested in seeing the pages inside, please send an email to my mummy. She uploaded it to the web and she will give you the address (you can even order a copy if you want…). Although it is finished, this is only the first draft and she will continue to work on it for a bit longer. After that, it will be published. At that point, all family members and friends will be invited to buy one (or more) copy as the money will be divided between my trust fund and the Evelina Children’s Hospital. This will be our way of saying thanks to the Evelina Hospital for fixing my heart and giving me a new life!!!!!

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And today I am nine months old!
It’s been a busy time, I have so much to learn! I just finished my intensive training on smiling techniques. I am now fully qualified to breake my parents resistance and get whatever I want by using the adequate smile, at the right time! Now I am busy with other courses that will allow me to control my environment and from there take over the world! I am starting to get more vocal in order to demand… cof,cof… to communicate more efficiently. And I am beginning my self-directed training in motor skills… in other words, I am thinking of getting more mobile by crawling around… but that looks like an activity that demands a lot of  energy and I am not very keen on wasting my resources when I can have anything I want by commanding my mummy and daddy.

I now have five teeth, four on the bottom and one on top. Therefore I am equipped to exert considerable damage to any surface, including fingers and other body parts left unattended… 

I love my food… my mummy cooks for me and sometimes I even have what she is having for lunch… like when she has grilled fish or chicken with vegies. 

I love sleeping and I always fall asleep without help from my mummy… she just leaves me in bed at 20.00 (for the night), and at 11.00 and  15.00 for for two hours naps (with some lelly) and I fall asleep by myself. Sometimes I play a little bit with my toys before sleeping and other times I play with them after I wake up, before getting bored and demanding that someone gets me out of bed. I sleep all night until seven in the morning… by then I just want to get up and I make my mummy take me down so I can play with my toys. 

I am now 8.5Kg (50th percentile) and 73 cm tall (75th percentile). Some clothes 6-9 months are already too small for me but my feet are quite petite… I am still wearing size 0-3 months shoes!!!!!!!

My mummy and daddy say I am the best thing that ever happened to them… and that this year they hardly notice the winter, as they had a little sunshine to brighten their days… that’s ME!!!!!!

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Note: you cannot understand me because I am talking portuguese!… eheheheh!

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For Daddy!…


Daddy, me and mummy made this video for you as you are away working… getting money to buy my dresses. And shoes… ah, and handbags. And hats. But please, hurry up home as we miss you lots!

Yesterday we went to the beach to have fish and chips. It was a bit windy so we could not stay for long… but it was fun! I can´t wait until I get my feet in the sea!

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Music Baby Group

Music Baby Group

Oh no! My mummy is busy again. She’s working on her final project, an illustrated book for children on Heart Surgery… So between that, the visits to the park and to the swimming pool and the walkings to town, she doesn’t have much time to update the blog. On Wednesdays we also go to the baby music!… I love it!!!!!!! This video is from last week when we first went. At first I was not too sure about all the noise but very soon I started to enjoy it. I played some instruments, I danced, I sang… and even found myself a blue-eyed boyfriend! (my daddy wasn’t too happy about that, thought!). This week my friend Daisy came with me… she’s still too small to sit up and enjoy the music but I really loved to have her around!

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My ride


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I’m back!!!!!!



You cannot imagine how much fun I had these last days!!!! I flew for the first time… well, apart from my spaceship. I even thought I could help the captain but he was quite competent so I decided not to intervene and just enjoy the ride. 

Once I arrived to my nana Joaquina I was treated like a little star…  I had no rest, there were so many cousins and friends and everybody wanted to cuddle me and play with me all the time.!!!!! (That is why I had to buy sunglasses and try to go incognito…) My cousin Joana taugh me portuguese songs, my uncle João sang for me, he taught me a funny trick with my nose and I fell asleep on his shoulder every night. I rode a donkey for the first time…that was so cool!!!!! And I had lots of presents and lots of money…eheheheheh!

The only problem is that now that we are back I expect the same kind of treatment and my mummy doesn’t want to comply!…

(Soon I will post some pictures.)

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Flash Jazzy

This is my adventure in space… ufff, it’s hard to be a hero!
And in two days I’m starting a new adventure in Portugal… I’m going with mummy and daddy to mummy’s village to see my nana Jo and to meet some of my cousins. I’m so excited!!!!!!

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My routine


jazzy7 -8h  IWake up and make my mummy get up

8 -9h I have breakfast, usually fruit porridge

10.54h I have 150ml of lelly (my milk)

11 I sleep for one or two hours

13h I have lunch (a nice soup that mummy prepares for me, I don’t like the soup from pots!) and a pot of fruit

15h I have more lelly and another nap of one or two hours

17h I have a pot of fruit

19h I have dinner  (more soup and fruit)

19.30 I go to bed!

10.30 Mummy goes to bed and she brings me 200ml of lelly

Then I sleep all night… occasionally I have a little accident and and wake up to ask my mummy to change my nappy. The rest of the time I play, I go for walks, I visit my friends, I go shopping with mummy…

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First time…

First swing


Last Sunday I went to my nan’s and she had a surprise. Michael had left a swing for me and I tried it out. I did not know what a swing was but I got the hang of it very quickly… I discovered that if I bounced backwards and forwards I could swing really high. I loved it!… I had so much fun!

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